
The webServiceURL= The worksheetURL= Press here to see an example.


Gets the value of a given codeValueID.

Service Parameters (json array)

  • serviceName (string) = “content”
  • function (string) = “ccb_getCodeValue”

Key Parameters

  • codeValueid (string) Required


  • If a FollowupID is provided, the service returns the elements for that event only.
  • Data Parameters

    A the value of the codeValueID.

  • Results (json array)

    • Status (string).  (“0″=Success, “1”=Not Successful)
    • statusMessage (string) (“Empty”,”Results”)
    • data (json array) (the results if not empty)
function getCodeValue_example(){ 
       $rm_options = get_option('ccb_option_name');    
        <br><strong><a href="<?php echo $_GET['returnURL'];?>">Back</a></strong><p>
    try {  
        // old way 
        $endPointURL = $webserviceURL ;
        // new way 
        $endPointURL = $webserviceURL ;
        $postParameters = array(
            "serviceName" => "dataDictionary", 
            "function" => "cdd_getCodeValue"
          ) ;
         $data_ar = array(   
             "CodeValueID" => "278" // 
        util_dump_var($postParameters, "Post Parameters") ;
        util_dump_var($data_ar, "Data Parameters") ;
        $transData_json = json_encode($data_ar); 
        $response = wp_remote_post( $rm_options['webservice_url'], array(
            'method'      => 'POST',
            'timeout'     => 45,
            'redirection' => 5,
            'httpversion' => '1.0',
            'blocking'    => true,
            'headers'     => array(),
            'body'        => array(
                "serviceName" => $postParameters["serviceName"], 
                "function" =>  $postParameters["function"], 
                "transData" => $transData_json  
            'cookies'     => array()
        if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
            $error_message = $response->get_error_message();
            util_log("Web service error in:" . $postParameters["service"]  . " " .  $postParameters["function"] . " " .  $error_message);
        } else { 
        $obj = json_decode($response['body'], true); 
        $responseData = $obj["data"] ; 
        util_dump_var($responseData, "wp_remote_post response") ;
        return $responseData ;  
    catch (Exception $e) {
          return "<br>searchImportTables_example Error: " . $e->getMessage();

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