

For a given scope defined by the Keys parameters, this service generates a page through multiple calls to the cdd_makeDataControl service to render all the forms from the resulting query.

When a form is 1 to 1 (ie: only one occurrence, for example Contact Info), the service renders a update-able form as defined in the configuration.

When a form is 1 to many (ie: repeating occurrences, for example Dependents), the service renders a read only sort-able table where any row can be expanded to an update-able detail form.

Service Parameters

  • serviceName (string) = “ux”
  • function (string) = “ccb_mkDataGridControl”

Key Parameters (json array)

Defines the scope of the query to the client data. For example, if only the ClientID key was provided, the query will return all the client’s active forms. If the ClientID and FileID’s were provided, only the active forms the client’s file will be returned. If the ClientID, FileID an ID was provided, only that single form will be returned.

  • ClientID (string) Mandatory
  • FileID (string)
  • FormID (string)
  • ID and/or FollowupID. Unique id of the form (string)

Search Parameters (json array)

  • Saved for future use

Plugin Directory Parameter

  • Directory of the plugin so the the server can generate links to the css/images folder

UX Parameters (json array)

Refer to the  cdd_makeDataControl for the key value pairs of available UX Parameters but preface the parameter key with an ID and a “;” .

  • For a specific data element, inspect the default form and preface the UX parameter key with the data element name.
  • For a form, inspect the default form for the form id (usually found as found by inspecting the Field Set’s ID.
  • For a specific 1 to many form (sortable table), inspect the default form and preface the UX Parameter key with the table number portion of the fieldset’s ID.

The following parameters are the most commonly used cdd_makeDataControl ux parameters .

  • allow_update
  • code_lookup_type
  • js_function
  • css_class
  • css_style
  • label_type
  • other_label


Place the custom javascript functions in the plugin’s ajax.js file.

Place the custom css classes in the plugin’s style.css file.

To meet a given requirement, where there no ID on the default form, tell the back end developer where you want the span to start and to end, and refresh the form to get it’s ID.

Results (json array)

  • Status (string).  (“0″=Success, “1”=Not Successful)
  • statusMessage (string) (“Empty”,”Results”)
  • data (json array) (the results if not empty)



Gets the process info for a given form.

Parameters (json array)

  • serviceName (string) = “workflow”
  • function (string) = “cdd_getFormProcessInfo”
  • Dataset ID (string)


  • O

Results (json array)

  • Status (string).  (“0″=Success, “1”=Not Successful)
  • statusMessage (string) (“Empty”,”Results”)
  • data (json array) (the results if not empty)


Click here for an example.



Gets the UX information about the element on a particular form.

Parameters (json array)

  • serviceName (string) = “ux”
  • function (string) = “ccb_getFormElementInfo”
  • ID (string) = ID of the form element


  • O

Results (json array)

  • Status (string).  (“0″=Success, “1”=Not Successful)
  • statusMessage (string) (“Empty”,”Results”)
  • data (json array) (the results if not empty)